Inferiority Complex Turned into Confidence

It’s a feeling which can at times get a hold of you unconscientiously, that’s inferiority. But why feel inferior in the first place, well that’s another topic of discussion altogether. Psychologists have coined a lot of definitions, reasons and types of Inferiority but whatever the case inferiority implies the situation of feeling lesser than someone else or perhaps something else in any context whatsoever.
One can only feel inferior when one takes someone else’s feature, personality trait or achievement as being better than his or hers hence the feeling of intimidation and eventually inferiority.
It should be however noted that this “Inferiority Feeling” can be instantly converted into a very good challenge and bring a new feeling of confidence.  That is to say, once one grasps the situation and harnesses it as an opportunity to acquire knowledge, then the inferiority feeling is neutralised to a rather more illuminating and pleasant experience which turns out to be a new challenge to one’s life.
Ever wondered why children appear so happy even when they may be living under impoverished circumstances. Well the answer is quite simple, Children rarely feel the ‘adult like’ inferiority. They are always the curious minds scouting for new knowledge and experiences. It is for this reason that a 10 year old may have a very good one on one conversation with a President and not even feel a twinge of inferiority.

So the next time the feeling of inferiority comes knocking at your door, welcome it with open arms and as it enters, convert it to confidence and you just might unlock some of your own never experienced potential and hence knowledge, after all curiosity may have killed the cat but it will take more than curiosity for the human. 


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