Africa's Productivity Puzzle: Africonomics

Economists may not always agree on policy issues but when it comes to the growth and productivity paradox, they usually do come to the agreement that the biggest threat to economic growth is in fact Productivity itself. It's for this reason that the growth pattern is much dependent on an economy's production capacity. Africa is no exception to this rule and its for this reason that Africa's economy has been the fastest growing economy with some countries even growing at rate of double percentage figures annually. However with the developed countries's growth slowing down, the question comes will Africa's growth also take the same toll in years to come? The subject matter is highly debatable of course especially when one takes into consideration the vast differences in the overall economic strengths or weaknesses between Africa and the developed world. Not forgetting that of late there's been a rather modern "Scramble for Africa's resources" which one may argue is good for the Africa, at the same time harmful if not handled properly as most of these scrambled resources are in fact non-renewable.

Not forgetting of course that Africa's general production levels are far from being optimum, hence for such a toll (i.e Production capacity being a threat to economic growth) to start taking place, well it implies that production levels will really have to rise on very high levels.With this effect Africa's Productivity puzzle may even been more tricky and quite the rubriks cube to solve. Policy makers really need to critically analyse the current trends in order to build sustainable economic policy that will lead to consistently growing stable and sustainable economy.


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